Chronic plaque psoriasis is an autoimmune inflammatory condition of the skin. It cannot be cured but these days can be managed very well. Treatment involves topical creams in the first instance. Most patients come to a dermatologist as their psoriasis has not responded to topical measures. Many psoriasis sufferers find their skin improves in the summer, this is because of UV and sun exposure.
At Skindepth we offer narrowband UVB treatment for psoriasis patients as a safe, no cost way to control their skin inflammation. We also have a UVB machine in Shepparton at the GV Skin and Specialist Centre. For those who do not respond to UVB, we consider oral treatments that slightly suppress the immune system. These include methotrexate, cyclosporin and Vitamin A medications such as neotigason.
In the last 5-10 years clever scientists have developed new medications called biologics. These drugs target the part of the immune system responsible for the inflammation in psoriasis. These drugs generally totally clear the skin and patients are happy and report them to be life-changing. These drugs (ustekinumab, adalimumab, ixekixumab) are expensive but available at minimal cost for those who qualify on medicare. Dr Alice Rudd as a special interest in the treatment of psoriasis with biologics, she also runs a clinic at the Skin Health Institute for biologics patients.

In the last 5-10 years clever scientists have developed new medications called biologics. These drugs target the part of the immune system responsible for the inflammation in psoriasis. These drugs generally totally clear the skin and patients are happy and report them to be life-changing. These drugs (ustekinumab, adalimumab, ixekixumab) are expensive but available at minimal cost for those who qualify on medicare. Dr Alice Rudd as a special interest in the treatment of psoriasis with biologics, she also runs a clinic at the Skin Health Institute for biologics patients.