How do I request an appointment?
Appointments with Skindepth can be requested via telephone or email (reception@skindepth.com.au).
After making your first appointment with one of our doctors, you will be asked for a few personal details to confirm your appointment, and then provided with an introduction letter via email that will contain a link to a registration form. It is important to fill out the form and send it back to us at reception@skindepth.com.au before your appointment. We ask that you send us your GP referral if you are bringing one via email with your registration form. Currently the Medicare rebate for a new consultation is $84.15. Medicare rebates for a review consultation are around $42.30. All procedures and biopsies with an item number will be eligible for a Medicare rebate. GP referrals last 12 months.
What sort of costs should I expect?
At the time of booking you will be notified of the costs.
A new consultation with our Dermatologists is ranges from $320 to $360, $250 for cosmetic consults with Dr James Finkemeyer, and $500 for the Vulvar Clinic with Dr Rudd and Dr Gould.
Acne Clinic patients that see Dr Alice Rudd that have already been seen by our dermal therapists will be $270 for the first appointment, and $200 for a review appointment.
Will I need a follow up appointment?
Follow up appointments will be made where required. Sometimes your follow up appointment will be with a nurse to have a treatment such as for warts or to check progress. Our qualified Dermatology Nurses are very approachable and will be there to support you at all times throughout your skin journey.
What can I expect during a skin check?
If you are coming for a skin check it is important you remove all make up/face creams before you arrive
or use the wipes at our reception. Our skin checks will involve you removing all the clothing you are comfortable with and will involve a female nurse escort if you are examined by a male doctor. If you are coming for a rash or facial assessment, photographs will be taken with your consent.
Where can I park?
Patient Parking is available at the front of the clinic (on-site) but is limited. There is 2 hour parking in Kilwinning Crescent adjacent to the clinic and plenty of longer term parking in the nearby side streets. During school drop off and pick up hours there is no parking on the north side of Balaclava Road outside the school. Please allow more time for parking if your appointment is during school drop off or pick up times.
What if I am running late?
Most of the time our doctors will run on time for your appointment, so please arrive in time for your start time. If you are late, this may impact the length of your appointment, If you are more than 10 mins late we will ask you to reschedule.
Sometimes emergencies or complications come up and our doctors may run late.
Please expect to wait at least 15-30 mins in these instances. Wait times will be communicated with you where possible.