Dr Alice Rudd
Dr Shay Hendler
Why we started Skindepth Academy
We wanted to share our passion for cosmetic injectables with dedicated practitioners looking to embark on their own injectables journey. We saw a gap in available training opportunities and wanted to establish a course that could enable practitioners to graduate feeling knowledgeable, confident and most importantly safe. There has been a recent shift in the cosmetic industry aimed at increasing safety and practitioner competency. Skindepth Academy was started with patient safety and satisfaction at the core of our ethos with the hope to train injectors whose ongoing practice is guided by these values.
Our Difference
Our courses are intentionally designed to be longer than the average injectables course and spread across several days. This will enable participants the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge and treat multiple patients.While most commonly, courses are condensed over 1-2 days, our course runs over two weekends, and provides the unique opportunity to follow-up your patients - a crucial part of learning injectables.This course is also unique in that its head trainer Dr Alice Rudd is a renowned Melbourne based dermatologist who has had years of experience in cosmetic injectables. Dr Rudd has focused her injectables treatments on facial assessment and how the different areas of the face work in harmony. Her approach will give you unique insights into how to analyse the intricacies of the face and its cosmetic requirements.
No one size fits all approach
We appreciate that every face is unique and therefore our courses do not use dosing protocols that disregard the need for facial assessment. Instead, we will teach you the art of facial analysis and how this relates to product selection and dosing.
Who can participate
Our courses are available to doctors and nurses with at least 1 year of clinical experience.
Course Outline
Anti-wrinkle foundations course for new injectors.
Week 1:
Day 1 - The Upper Face
- How does anti-wrinkle work
- What products are available on the Australian market
- Drawing up your anti-wrinkle (including practical demonstration session)
- Consenting patients and the screening for body dysmorphia according to latest AHPRA guidelines
- How to take effective before + after photos
- The upper face - forehead, frown and crows feet
a) Anatomy
b) Facial assessment and how it relates to dosing
c) Deciding on dose/units used
d) Pain relief techniques
e) Aftercare
f) Booking follow up
Week 1:
Day 2 - The Lower Face
- Who are good candidates for anti-wrinkle treatments
- What you will need to get started - equipment, insurance, registration
- Follow up - upper face patients
- Anatomy + facial assessment continued
- What muscles can you treat in the lower face and what doses are appropriate? - Depressor anguli oris (DAO), Mentalis, bunny lines, smokers lines, lip flip/ gummy smile
- Practical session
- The Nefertiti lift
Week 2:
Day 3 - Treatments that are for more than just beauty!
- Follow up - lower face patients
- Anatomy and associated issues
a) Temporomandibular joint disorder pain - masseter + pterygoid treatments
b) Headaches - temporals - Anti-wrinkle for hyperhidrosisPractical session
Week 2:
Day 4 - Revision
- Follow up - week 3 patients
- Anatomy revision
- Incorporating what we have learned for a full facial assessment + dosing discussion
- Revisiting the risky patient
- Practical session - treatment of choice
- Q and A session