
Busting botulinum toxin myths

Busting botulinum toxin myths

Been thinking about anti-wrinkle injections, but concerned about a 'frozen face'? Here we quiz Sally Coffey and bust the myths and the wrinkles!

Busting botulinum toxin myths

Been thinking about anti-wrinkle injections, but concerned about a 'frozen face'? Here we quiz Sally Coffey and bust the myths and the wrinkles!

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5 mins with Amelia, dermal clinician

5 mins with Amelia, dermal clinician

Amelia Cartmel, our dermal clinician who has been with Skindepth since its beginning, will tell us about what she does on daily basis to help our patients’ skin.

5 mins with Amelia, dermal clinician

Amelia Cartmel, our dermal clinician who has been with Skindepth since its beginning, will tell us about what she does on daily basis to help our patients’ skin.

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Tomorrow is world arthritis day

Arthritis is a debilitating condition. It can come in many varieties. But why would arthritis be of interest to a dermatologist? Good question!

Tomorrow is world arthritis day

Arthritis is a debilitating condition. It can come in many varieties. But why would arthritis be of interest to a dermatologist? Good question!

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Look fresh, feel fabulous this spring racing season

Look fresh, feel fabulous this spring racing se...

Its time to shed the winter layers and show off some smooth spring skin, by getting your GLOW on!!

Look fresh, feel fabulous this spring racing se...

Its time to shed the winter layers and show off some smooth spring skin, by getting your GLOW on!!

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Yoga and our skin

Yoga and our skin

So how does yoga benefit the skin? Quite simply the practice of yoga promotes increased circulation which assists in nourishing our skin cells, and removing toxins

Yoga and our skin

So how does yoga benefit the skin? Quite simply the practice of yoga promotes increased circulation which assists in nourishing our skin cells, and removing toxins

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Treating sun damage and photoageing

Treating sun damage and photoageing

So what can be done about it? Well seen as we cannot go back in time to reverse the sun exposure, we have to repair some of the damage.

Treating sun damage and photoageing

So what can be done about it? Well seen as we cannot go back in time to reverse the sun exposure, we have to repair some of the damage.

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Apple cider vinegar - what's in it for my skin?

Apple cider vinegar - what's in it for my skin?

Full of health boosting goodness, this lactofermented tonic is top notch for the digestive system nourishing it with probiotics!

Apple cider vinegar - what's in it for my skin?

Full of health boosting goodness, this lactofermented tonic is top notch for the digestive system nourishing it with probiotics!

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Guest blog post: Emma Park Nutritionist foods t...

No ‘program’ under the sun can undo a bad diet! Here are some tips to live by

Guest blog post: Emma Park Nutritionist foods t...

No ‘program’ under the sun can undo a bad diet! Here are some tips to live by

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Losing it? ‘SC-Hairy”

Losing it? ‘SC-Hairy”

Hair loss is remarkably common, and EVERYONE sheds hairs on a daily basis…But how much is too much?

Losing it? ‘SC-Hairy”

Hair loss is remarkably common, and EVERYONE sheds hairs on a daily basis…But how much is too much?

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