The ultimate preparation guide for your skin coming up to the social holiday season.


We all know the festive season can wreak havoc on healthy skin. Failing to wash the make up off after a few too many late nights of champagne and canapes. Not eating and drinking all the right skin things. Shall I go on?

So why not get your skin in top shape BEFORE the festivities begin. That way you will be able to ride through whatever the silly season throws at you. So how do we make sure we feel and look our best? Follow these simple tools to get you into the best you, both inside and out. 

1. Calendar- Prepare now, to reap the benefits later. Schedule a visit with your skin specialist to get you on the way to party-ready skin.

The first thing is to schedule a visit with your skin specialist prior to the holiday season to get your skin in the best condition well in advance. This is when your skin consultant advises on the best topical active skincare and treatment plan. The earlier you get your skin looked after, the better the health, appearance and functioning of your skin will be during the holiday season. Your skin specialist will aim to improve the skin cell turn over and metabolism which directly gives the results of even skin texture, tone and radiance. Practicing good skin maintenance by having a skincare regime at home should be all year round but to boost your glowing skin, get in to see the skin specialist for advanced desired results.

2. Routine- Make sure your skin routines are working well. Exfoliate, take off the old to reveal the new

We sometimes forget to look after the skin on our body including the neck and décolletage. Purchase an exfoliating glove and exfoliate the body twice a week in the shower. Not only will you remove unwanted dead skin cells but also increase blood flow to the skin, which allows nutrients to get to tricky areas to help rejuvenate the skin. Regular exfoliation over time will increase your skins density, strength, tone, and texture. It will also allow your moisturiser to penetrate deeper into the skin, and have a greater effect. At Skindepth Dermatology we love the product called Morphologie Body cream by Rationale which can be used all over the body to even out the skins complexion and boosts hydration levels

3. Commit- Eliminate toxins

Make sure you commit to an exercise plan and increase your water consumption to help cleanse the body of toxins. Did you know that when you exercise and breakdown fatty deposits these toxins get eliminated through the body’s waste system and when you increase your water intake this allows the body to remove these more easily. So, make sure leading up to the social holiday season that you drink plenty of water, in between the glasses of celebratory bubbles.  And don't let a few festive late nights mean you skip the daily work out! Exercise is even MORE important to keep the skin's metabolism up and get those christmas party toxins out, and not sticking around!

4. Devote-Adequate sleep and diet

Make sure you devote time to yourself leading up to the holiday season because the last thing you want is to get sick, so look after yourself and eat the right foods and get plenty of rest. By doing these simple things leading up to the social holiday season will improve your immunity. Closer to the social events try to avoid any foods that may leave you feeling bloated. Peppermint or ginger tea is proven to help aid with digestion. Other foods that contain a high sugar percentage can constrict your blood vessels preventing vital nutrients in your blood getting to areas of the skin, this can have the effects of slowing down your healing response for example with a breakout. We want your skin to be working at it’s best, excess sugar intake should be avoided!

Hopefully by following these simple goals of organising your skin treatment calendar, getting into a routine of exfoliating and following the best skincare regime for you, committing to an increased water consumption and an exercise plan aswell as making sure your putting aside time to devote to preparing good food and having adequate sleep. These things we guarantee will get you to where you want your skin to be but most importantly you will feel great both inside and out.

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