Being a yogi, and an obsessive dog walker, it was a big transition for me to delve into the world of personal training. But after only a few months, I have seen benefits that far out way any moans and complaints I muster during my 45 min weekly training session with personal trainer extraordinaire, Hayley Roper (HR) (owner of Love My Body and author of the Blossom Project). So, I sat down, in a meditative cross -legged position, with the utterly gorgeous Hayley, to talk staying fit, squats, self-esteem, skin care and superfoods.
Dr Alice: What is the secret to body longevity/antiaging from an exercise point of view?
HR: strength training! will keep your bones strong, body agile and slow down the aging process. I’ve seen so many women in better shape at 60 than 20 through strength training.
Dr Alice: What’s your ultimate training tip?
HR: Don't over-train it will make you bulky! train effectively (a little strength, a little HIIT and a little recovery like walking and yoga) and focus mostly on eating clean.
Dr Alice: What do you do for sun protection when training out doors?
HR: I use a very good quality sunscreen and always 50plus. I use it everyday. and I will always wear a cap if training outdoors. Dont waste your time or expect too much from a cheaper/supermarket type sunscreen.
Dr Alice: What’s your best piece of skin advice?
HR: Always ALWAYS go to bed with a VERY clean face. have monthly treatments at Skindepth. use a sunscreen every day, eat your good fats and drink loads of water!
Dr Alice: Favourite skin care product
HR: Im in such a product maze at the moment I am loving the rationale range. the whole range!!
Dr Alice: How important is nutrition?
HR: Very! i think as long as you get your good fats, enough water, enough greens and enough sleep, and limit alcohol, sugar, wheat, dairy, red meat, caffeine and processed foods you are definitely on the right track and the bad stuff every now and then wont matter too much. It sounds like a lot to ask i know, but it really isn't that hard its just a matter of being educated. There are healthy and easy alternatives for all of these things!
Dr Alice: What are your fave superfoods and why?
HR: Just good old fashioned leafy greens. People get so overwhelmed with all of these things they 'must' do to be in good health. eating your greens and drinking enough water (the basic stuff) make the biggest difference.
Dr Alice: You talk about the importance of meditation in your book, how can we incorporate this into our daily lives?
HR: It can be 5 minutes a day it can be 20 whatever works for you. It isn’t meant to be stressful! i do it straight out of the shower and I face the window in my lounge room so I can then imagine white light flowing through my body. some people just focus on their breaths. find what works for you- but amongst your busy life and your long to-do list- have this time to yourself, should be at the TOP of your to-do list.
Dr Alice: How important is it to ‘look good’?
HR: I think it is way more important to FEEL GOOD. you can tell someone who feels good and they automatically look good to everyone they meet. look after yourself because you respect and love yourself.
Dr Alice: What are the biggest pressures on young people these days? Does instagram and other social media channels have a role to play?
HR: HUGE. i really worry for young girls. there is so much pressure on them to look a certain way, act a certain way, have the right handbag and this pressure is only ever-increasing with the presence of social media. I could talk this topic for hours but my biggest piece of advice I can give is:
You are only seeing the highlight reels of people’s lives on social media.
Not what you see is always 'real'. from photos to designer wear!
Never make assumptions about people’s lives based on social media (or ever)
Never compare yourself to others. they have their flaws and issues too.
live your life- don't get stuck paying too much attention to other peoples lives.
focus on loving your life, being happy with WHO you are and being a kind-hearted beautiful person. Then, YOU will be the person people admire.
Dr Alice: Tell us about your new book …
HR: I am so excited about The Blossom Program. it is a program for young girls on bullying, social-media, body-image, integrity etc- all those topics that need to be addressed in schools! there are 17 modules aimed to be completed in 12 weeks and it is a guide to being a self-loving, anti-bullying and empowered queen! I want to teach the program in schools and slowly (but surely!) make schools a nicer place and make those years much easier for young people!
Dr Alice: What are your top tips for young women to achieve a healthy balanced life (and skin!)
- exercise
- eat clean whole foods
- limit toxic substances
- lots of water
- look after your skin as mentioned above.
- get enough sleep
- meditate
- surround yourself with really amazing people
- try to only have to positive thoughts and say positive things
- treat yourself the way you would treat the person you love the most
- And laugh lots!!!! life is meant to be fun!
Well, no more excuses, if you want health skin and a healthy life, get moving. Not only will you look good, but you will feel fabulous (except for about day 2 when the thighs REALLY hurt!) xxx